Check out what's in my to go activity kit!
Want to see what's in my activity bag??
Here I'll show you a few examples of things I keep in our activity bags. You can easily create an activity kit with a few special toys that your child already has. I always present the non screen time activities first and save the tablet as my last resort for when I REALLY need it. Check back to my post last week to see how I get the most out of our activity bags.
📕 ACTIVITY BOOKS: My daughter loves these types of activity books! It may be color by number, word search, mazes, etc...
🎨 WATER PAINTING: These are super easy to when your at a restaurant. I just asked the server for a small to go cup/container with a SMALL amount of water. When you're done, just leave the cup there and carry on!
🦖 SCRATCH ART BOOK: There are many types of scratch art books and/or color by number, or mess free coloring books that will do the trick for your kids depending on their age and interests.
🫙 CLOUD DOUGH OR FAVOR JARS: These small play doh jars are perfect for on the go. We have so many fun play doh colors available on our site here. I dump the contents on the lids, sanitize the table, and let them go to town. Jar it right back up and save it for next time!
💻 I don't always take the tablet with me, and I always try to save it as a last resort. If we are going to be sitting for an extended amount of time, then I will let them use it after we have exhausted the other screen free activities. Screen time is not our enemy, but rather should be used as a tool when we need it!
Here are some other items you can include:
- Fun fidget toys (pop its, spinners)
- Easy to pick up activity boxes (bead/jewelry making kits)
- Mini playdough KITs
- Non toxic playdough & play doh accessories
- Sensory KIT subscription
What is your favorite activity bag item??
Owner & Creator of Sensationally OT